Tips for Emotional Sellers When Selling Your Home

Tips for Emotional Sellers
When selling a family home through means of a real estate auction, there are many emotional moments. Even before contacting an auctioneer there is the heartbreak of saying goodbye to a home, which holds many great memories. Although Fortna Auctioneers and Marketing Group’s main goal is to get your house sold for the best market value, they also recognize the attachment people have with their home and the emotional impact of going through the selling process.
When real estate is sold at auction, it is important to take into account the emotional attachment people have to their property. Emotional stress and the inability to deal with it properly can hinder the process and in the end, create a not so ideal financial result. We want to make sure you are handling the loss of a family home properly and feel supported in your decision.
Here are some tips that can help you prepare for the sale and deal with some of the stress and emotions during the selling process:
- Start the process early. The earlier you start preparing your house to be sold, the easier it will be when the day comes to move out.
- Focus your emotions on your next home. It is much easier to focus on positive emotions going into your new home than to dwell on the loss of a home. Those memories you have in that home will always be with you, so prepare yourself for the great memories to be made in the new home. Remember, it is the people that hold memories, not places.
- Spend time fixing the little things. Along with fixing little things around the house that need a sprucing up, changing parts of the house that you have emotional connections to can be very helpful. If you have an attachment to a lovely color paint used in the dining room, change it. It will allow for a more therapeutic moving out.
- Get out of the house. Instead of spending time around your house wallowing about the move, get out and explore some of the areas around your new home. For some, the move is far, so this is not as easy. But just the act of getting out of your home helps with the emotional toll of selling a family home. When you get out and do new activities together and stay busy, there is less time to overthink.
- Put yourself in the buyer’s shoes. When you think about the move, imagine the new buyer and their excitement of a new home. Remember that they will be able to make their own memories and you are allowing them to have a place to do that. Think of your own standards and make sure your home is in tip top shape for them when they move in.